What Do Your People Have in Common With These Fellow YPO Members?

Baltimore, MD
Age 50, Heart Attack

Chicago, IL
Age 62, Heart Attack

Fort Worth, TX
Age 55, Heart Attack
They Thought Everything Was Fine Too. Then They Died.
Did You Know The MOST COMMON FIRST SYMPTOM of Cardiovascular Disease Is Sudden Death?
If one of your YPO Members was suddenly gone, how would it impact their company?
What would it mean to their family?
The Current Approach to Heart Attack Prevention Allows Too Many People To Have A False Sense of Security…Especially Those On Cholesterol Medications.
Today’s standard of care for cardiovascular disease treatment is based on general common risk factors such as cholesterol level, age, sex, weight, activity level and more. Unfortunately, these only provide a generalized statistical prediction of the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. They tell you very little about personal, individual risk.
➤ Now there’s a BETTER way…
With the aid of new technology, we can now detect the presence of diseased arteries long BEFORE they result in a heart attack or stoke and long BEFORE they can be detected by traditional medical tests. This new technology is not available from physicians or most hospitals. These results, combined with a new approach of treating the individual based on advanced personalized genetic tests, allow us to now dramatically decrease the chances that your members will EVER suffer from a heart attack or stroke. EVER.

International speaker and author David Meinz, MS, RDN, FAND, CSP presents “Wealthy, Healthy & Wise”
and the LATEST RESEARCH-BASED new approach to preventing the #1 cause of premature death.
This event can save the life of one or more of your members.
➤ Plus, an Additional LIFE-SAVING Opportunity…
All attendees will have the chance to have a CIMT (carotid intima-media thickness) test. This cutting-edge technology is a non-invasive ultra-sound of your neck arteries that sees cardiovascular disease LONG BEFORE OTHER MORE TRADITIONAL TESTS CAN. This is NOT the neck ultra-sound test you may have had before. It’s well beyond anything offered anywhere else and now endorsed by the American Heart Association.
Consider these STUNNING test results…
At a recent YPO-Gold meeting:
And at another YPO meeting:

You will be pleased to know the members rated your presentation the HIGHEST OF ALL the EDUCATIONAL EVENTS IN THE ENTIRE YEAR.
Steven Palmer, Atlantic Canada Chapter, YPO

A great event and wonderful kickoff to our year. Relevant, entertaining, and with the potential to save lives. I highly recommend David’s program to other chapters.
Charles Vogl, Chicago WPO

Your ratings were the highest given so far this year; ALMOST HITTING A PERFECT “10.” We had one of the best turnouts we have seen in the last several years.
Kevin Kervick, Connecticut River Valley Chapter, YPO

Your program was highly rated and well received. Many friends ended up having follow up tests … which I think is a very good thing.
Concho Minick, Ft. Worth-YPO

David provided our membership surprising insights into the need for good heart health and how traditional tests may not tell the whole story. By providing testing on site, every member and spouse was able to understand the current state of their heart health and how to improve it. Extremely valuable information and I highly recommend David’s program for other YPO chapters.
Ryan Maibach, YPO Motor City
Contact Us Today To Schedule David for An Upcoming YPO Event
Call 1-407-854-8108 or Send A Message